Subject: Page 1 SEO Webinar: gone in 15 hours...


This is the last chance to check out the SEO coaching webinar training we
did last Tuesday night, the replay comes doen in just under 15 hours at
midnight tonight...

here's the link: ~>

So what was the webinar all about..?

John and his partner Chris taught how simple it is to rank on page 1.

And I mean taught everything, "the whole enchilada", they left out nothing.

So you can watch the replay, take some notes, and then take what they
taught and implement it, and rank at will.

Yes, there is a little bit of work to set the system up, but once you have
it, you can rank site after site and keyword after keyword.

John was in two minds about a replay.

He doesn't want this information getting out too widely.

It really is that valuable.

Certainly it is something they can NEVER release publicly, for reasons they
explained during the coaching.

But with the number of people who were unable to make the call, we have no
reasonable choice but to do the right thing and put up a replay.

If you're one of those who couldn't make it, then I am sorry, I know your
time is valuable, (even if it was 'only' to watch Germany v Brazil), and
yes, I know you need this information.

So here's your chance, but only for the next 5 days, here's the link for
the replay: -

Watch 'til the end and John will show you how he can save you $5,000 in
putting your SEO system together...

But Don't Delay - I'm going to withdraw that offer in just a few days, so
please don't miss it!

Bottom Line -

Being able to rank your website at the top of Google is the single most
valuable skill you can have in IM.

The amazing thing is, it's actually simple to do.

It requires a bit of work, but it's dead simple ONCE YOU KNOW HOW!

Watch the replay, with my apologies for those who couldn't make it live,
before I pull it down, along with John's offer to save you $5,000 (and
countless hours of work).

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

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