Subject: News Update: Bad Bots, Bad hosts and Duplicator tips...


I've got 3 quick updates for you this week...

#1: When using the Duplicator to clone your site, if the total size of the
site is over 100MB+ you may weel experience difficulties getting the clone
site to create succesfully.

Usually you can dig through the files for the site and simply reduce the
size by deleting old backups and unused themes & plugins.

If the site is still so big that it's causing problems then you will need
to have a chat with your web hosts and ask them to increase the timeout
filesize setting in php.ini on the server, explain to them why and they
should be happy to do this.

#2: "bad hosts" - we have had some feedback on a few hosts in relation to
using Duplicator, we're always happy to hear from more people so that we
can share this, so feel free to let us know your experiences with your
hsoting provider.

so here's a quick run down of what we have so far:

BrainHost - you may find that you need to get them to upgrade the version
of PHP on your plan, for Duplicator to run it needs to PHP ver5.2.17 or

Hostica - you are likely to need to get zip archive enabled, just ask

WebHostingUK - looks like these guys have permission problems in getting
Duplicator to work and their support has been unresponsive so far, try WP
Clone instead.

Godaddy - their support can be unhelpful, stating that they don't support
third party plugins, however they do have a page recommending the use of
Duplicator for moving sites to their service, so if you need to talk to
their support people mention this, it's likely to help you get the response
you are looking for.

here's the page:

#3: if you check your awstats in cPanel you probably notice you get a whole
lot of traffic from "bad" bots & spiders, trawling your site, scraping your
content to steal, and generally eating up your bandwidth, costing you

there's a simple to use WP Plugin that can stop them in their tracks, check
out the video here: -

#4: there's a new WP theme just been released that automates the process of
building a e-store, not just a new one on it's own domain, but this also
makes it easy to add a store to any existing sites you have to help
monetize them.

check out the post here: -

have a great weekend, and we'll be back in touch next week with more news!

Matt Garrett

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