Subject: Matt Garrett JV's: last 36 hours + closing Comp...


yup, we're in the last 36 hours for the WP Traffic Tagger launch, the price
goes up to $47 at midnight tomorrow (Tuesday 12th Aug), so it's time to get
those fence sitters off their 'Derierre'!

AND, rather than having a 'normal' competition, with winners & losers, for
the last 36 hours, we're going to do a straight bounty offer, to make
everyone who mails a winner!

between now and midnight tomorrow we will give you an extra $10 for every
10 front end sales you make!

Make an extra 20 sales and we'll give you an extra $20, make 50 and we'll
give you $50!! :-)

Our secret agent running the Facebook retargetting campaign is still on the
case, following up every click you send with more exposure to get them to
come back and buy more, wherever they left the funnel, so every click you
send really does count!

The Cash Bounty of $200 for the first person to hit 100 sales went to Eric
Collin, who also grabbed the bounty for the first to 50 sales, so double
Gratz to Eric!! :-)

As we all know, you can make double your money in the last 2 days of a
launch, so get those email sent out and give your peeps the chance to grab
that hands free targeted traffic!

here's the JV page if you need any email swipes to get you going:

Note: if you're already opted in, just pop the same email in and you'll go
straight through to the tools page.

AND if you want a BONUS to offer your peeps then give me a shout... :-)

and, as always, feel free to get in touch if there's anything I can help
you with!

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

skype: mattg69

P.S. Don't forget to join me for the Summit in the Sun in December: ~>