Subject: Matt Garrett JV: UltimateSocialPlugin Review & Swipe emails...


only 3 days till we launch the UltimateSocialPlugin, so if you'd like
review access to have a play please give me a shout asap!

I've also got a swipe email done for you, it's a fairly long one, so feel
free to chop and change it to suit your needs/style/subscribers!

I've popped it on the JV request page here: -

but I'll also include a copy further down in this email for you.

*Note: don't forget to apply for all 3 licence levels, the other two links
to use for the multi site & developers licences are: -

Quick reminder of the launch info: -

Date: 11AM EST Thursday 19th September

Platform: JVZoo
JV Page:
Front-End Price: $27
Commission: 50%
Upsells: Multisite [$37] & Developer [$67] Licences @50%
*note: please make sur eyou apply for approval for all 3 licence levels!

Niche: Blogging, Social Media
Product Type: Plugin
Delivery Type: Digital Download

We've got over $1,750 up for grabs in the JV competition and spot prizes,
you can check out the full details on the JV Leaderboard page here: -

Here's the swipe email with a choice of several different subject lines: -

#Subject Line Options:

The Swiss Army Knife of Social Marketing...
Get Plugged in to the social power grid...
Open the Social Traffic Flood Gates...
Autopilot Social Traffic...
Hands Free Viral Social Traffic...
Get plugged in to the social traffic stream/surge/pipeline/current... <-
*pick one
Go sociably viral! ;-)



How would you like to be able to automate all that Social Media stuff..?

Get the full low down here: -


My guess is that you’ve probably spent countless hours on those Social
Media sites, like Facebook & Twitter, ‘marketing’ your business, but
you haven’t really seen any results...

It can all be a time sucking blackhole!

There's only one way to make it all worth while, automate it!

The moment you take the work out of these tasks and make them hands free is
the moment you can see real returns while spending your time on other

A new plugin released today finally makes this a reality for you!

You’d need A Dozen Different plugins to get close to what the Ultimate
Social Plugin does in just a Few Clicks...

Imagine Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Linked-In all combined into one
all-singing & dancing Wordpress plugin that does a whole array of tasks &
uses the latest technology to tap into traffic channels you probably never
thought existed, all in autopilot, yup, just set & forget...

Here's a taste of what this 'Swiss Army Knife' social plugin does: -

#1: Integrate your Fanpage with your blog
#2: Design & Build Fangates for more likes
#3: Auto post to Facebook & Twitter
#4: Boost your Rankings with integrated SEO
#5: Get more clicks with Google Rich Snippets & Facebook Open Graph
#6: Go 'Local' with Google Maps
#7: Go Viral with Social sharing for the top 8 social sites
#8: Increase visitor engagement with social feedback & commenting
#9: Go 'Pro' with Facebook Fangate Sliders
#10: Boost visitor interaction with Twitter Widgets
#11: Keep visitors coming back with Fanpage Widgets
#12: Super charge your Viral traffic with locked content prizes...

AND you get full Social Signal Stats so you can see what's working best for

and lot's, lot's more...

To achieve what the Ultimate Social Plugin does would require a whole bunch
of other plugins, slowing down your site and causing conflicts, giving you
a massive maintenance headache.

With the Ultimate Social Plugin that’s all a thing of the past...

here's the link to check it out:


Kind regards,
Your Signiture

as always, if I can help you with anything, always feel free to get in
touch, and thanks again! :)

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett
skype: mattg69

P.S. I've got some great domains for sale ~>