Subject: [JV] WPSimulator launch tomorrow, May 1st, not April... :-)



Thanks to everyone who just hit reply to let me know I'm a muppet... ;-)

The launch date for WPSimulator is (obviously) Wed May 1st, not April, doh!

here's a repeat of the earlier email I sent, this time with the right date:

Here's the page to grab your link from:

and there's more info, graphics etc. on the WPSimulator JV Partners page
here: -

We are still looking for more testimonials for WPSimulator, as it's all
about using localhost to develop WP sites safely a few words about how
important it is for your business to be able to develop sites offline
before deploying them live would do... :-)

If you've like JV access email me ( or skype me
(mattg69) and I'll get you hooked up.

We open the doors at Noon EST on Wed May 1st and we're on a dimesale (from
$27 to $47), so feel free to get your people in early while the price is

We're expecting the upsell (an unreleased product, WPCheat) to convert even
better than out upsell for BlogDefender, so you can expect healthy EPC's.

We're running a JV competition again, which you can see the details of
here: -

We'll also be popping a page up for ongoing JV Updates during the launch,
so I'll shoot the link for that over to you soon.

Here's the WPSimulator Swipe Email...


##Subject Lines:

Don't let them see you break it...
Become a Pro developer...
WP sites the professional way...



WordPress is great right?

Right up until it all goes wrong...

You add a new plugin or change your theme and suddenly something breaks...

The first thing that runs through your head is "How the heck do I fix

Then it dawns on you, your site is now broken and all your visitors are
seeing it!

That's not going to create a good impression, they're not likely to hang
around and wait until you've worked out what went wrong and fixed it,
they're going to go somewhere else...

Now you're in a rush, you try to roll back the changes and even that
doesn't work...

Panic starts to set in...

None of this needed to happen, how often do you see this kind of crap
happen to the "Pro's"?

It does happen to them, but no one ever gets to see it..


Simple, they have a secret to developing their sites and testing everything
out safely, without anyone getting to see their mistakes...

And now you can too!

Discover how here: -


This is on a Dimesale, so go grab it while the price is still low!

Kind regards,


P.S. If develop sites for clients this will let you do it all offline so
you can get it all just right before the client ever see anything, just
like the Pro's do...

here’s the link again: – <>


If I can help you with anything, always feel free to get in touch, and
thanks again! :)

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett
skype: mattg69