Subject: JV: WPSim 2014 new sales video, new swipe email & the early numbers...


we're live and converting on the front end at over 4% and climbing, AND
we've got a brand new sales video that should push it up even more!

Today our top JV partners with 5 sales or more are getting from 3.77% up to
9.48% on the front end...

The first upsell is converting at 42.65%+ on average, with some people
getting up to 60%+, then there's the the 2nd oto sneaking in at 25%,
pumping up those EPC's even higher for you!

We've also added a cheap downsell "WPSim Mini" version as an exit pop to
help make some extra commissions for you from people leaving, it's
currently at $4.95 (@60% commission for you), but we're going to be testing
different price points to get the best conversion on this for you as

There's a brand new swipe email for you down below...

We'll have another new swipe email for you tomorrow as well, targeting a
different "angle", along with updated figures on how the new sales video is
increasing the conversion, so watch out for that email.

oh, and here's one of the funniest unsolicited testimonials we've ever had
if you want to use it: -

“Hurry and get it today because if you wait till near the end—as many
people, like Ted Turner, did last time—you too could end up paying $20
more, like Ted Turner did!

And then when it comes around the next time and you see it at this way low
price you’ll feel as foolish as Ted Turner does cause it’s worth every
penny of it!!”

Ted Turner

**Note #1 :

don't forget we had to set it up as a new product and new funnel on JVZoo
to make sure we can restart the Dimesale from $37, so you'll need to grab
your new affiliate link here: -

**NOte #2:

The discount offer is only for 7 days, at midnight on Monday 31st March the
price goes back up to $67

and you can grab your swipe emails, banners etc here: -

**new Swipe email**

##Subject Lines:

Transform The Way You Build Sites Forever...
Never Lose or Break a Site Again...
The Best Kept WP Secret Revealed...
What WP Pro's Don't Tell You...
How to prevent every Wordpress Disaster
The #1 WP tool the pros use that you don't...



WordPress is great... up until your site is hacked, you upgrade your WP
Version, install a new plugin theme or until your host goes bust...

Then you are either fixing stuff live or restoring from a backup, right?

Either way you're into downtime & hassle, and losing customers!

So even if you are diligent & actually did a backup...

Are you sure it works?

When's the last time you tried to restore it?

Do you know how to restore it?

Or even which version of WP it works on?

Most of us dont have a clue...

What if I showed you a tool that will not only guarantee you have a working
off-line version of all your Wordpress sites, but will transform the way
you build, backup & create sites..?

A tool that will quickly become your #1 most useful get out of jail tool!

Check it out here: -


Kind regards,



as always, if I can help you with anything, always feel free to get in
touch, and thanks again!

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

skype: mattg69

P.S. coming Monday... WPSimulator 2014 ~>