Subject: I'm told I wasn't clear, NOT 'just another popup'...


over the last few years I've tried countless different popups, they all
tend to lack one or two elements to cover everything I want, not any


I received an email a couple of days ago from one of my subscribers saying
his original reaction to this was "oh great, another popup plugin", but
then he took a longer look at what this one actually does and realised he
wanted it because of how much it can do... [thanks John]

I can't remember the last time I let you know about a popup plugin, partly
because there's some free one's that do the basic stuff, and partly because
I've never found one that covers all the bases, until now...

you'll need to check the link to see the full details, but here's a taste
of what you get:

Types/placement/targetting options covered:

1. Center Lightbox
2. In Content
3. In Video (inc. YouTube Videos)
4. Full Page Overlay
5. Bottom Bar
6. Top Bar
7. Chat Box

the powerful bits [most popup plugins only cover a few of these]: -

~ 4 Trigger mechanisms (inc. content related/based)
~ 21 Design options
~ Industry Grade Analytics
~ Not limited to collecting emails, e.g. "Likes", Tweets or G+, AS WELL as
~ No placement limits
~ 2 Attention Grabbing Animation Effects
~ Countdown Timers
~ 7 Page zones to target
~ Page targeted/specific popups, you can have different popups for
different pages...

and of course it includes built in 1-click integration with: -


it's a WP Plugin, so installing is super simple...

If you don't think you need a plugin then you're seriously missing out, I
get an extra 100+ leads a day from plugins on my blogs, that's serious
passive lead generation, just from adding a basic plugin, with a plugin
like this that number is likely to double or treble...

Not using a popup is costing you countless free leads.

Using this popup plugin will massivly increase the number of optins/leads
you get, it's as simple as that really.

so here's the link to check it out for yourself:

Matt Garrett

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Matt Garrett,
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& the best bits:

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