Subject: How to rank your site for $982 LESS! [last 4 hours]


[just in case you missed my email earlier today, this is only available at
$15 until the end of today: ~> ]

you've probably already seen a whole bunch of emails from people about some
SEO 'case studies' videos revealing how to "bank $300k per month with

you've probably also realised that it's fee content that's being released
as 'warm up' pre-launch info for a new SEO course being released on monday.

*note: I've not had chance to watch these videos yet myself, I'm going to
check them out over the weekend.

BUT, and this is a big but, the price for this is going to be HIGH!

Eye wateringly high!!!

I'm not likely to get that course myself, as I'm going to be busy taking
part in a new "How to rank" course that's being started tomorrow by the one
guy I respect the most when it comes to search optimization and ranking

and the best news => today you can grab a place on the same course for just
$15, but only today!

Watch this video to see what I'm talking about: ~>

In his video Jerry about all the self proclaimed celebrities of SEO and
affiliate marketing selling "how to build a link network" and how half
their domains have been deindexed...

There’s a lot of misinformation out there, and it’s about time for
someone to correct it.

Who better than Jerry to do it with proof as he's been using expired
domains in his own networks since 2003.

And to give back as his company turned 15 this month, he is releasing his
custom formula for ranking sites in Google with the step-by-step system to
building your own network.

go watch his video now, it's only 4 minutes long: ~>

Remember, the price on this goes up at the end of today, and right now it's
just $15

on the other hand, if you do want to watch the videos for the super high
priced SEO course coming out on monday, you can see them here -

Tip: save yourself $982 and grab Jerry's step-by-step guide to ranking your
sites today! ;-)

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

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~# End Of Email #~

Matt Garrett,
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GL52 2LY

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