Subject: Graphics Firesale, last 24 hours...


The quicker you can grab your visitors attention, the longer they are
likely to stay on your site...

So anything that makes it easier to grab their attention and keep it will
help your business, check out this video to see what I mean: -

They can make the difference between a visitor clicking the back button on
their browser, or sticking around and buying your product.

They can make the difference between someone taking your business
seriously, or viewing you as a fly-by-night amateur.

In other words, your website image is VERY important.

you get 31 modules of different graphics, inc: -

Module 1 - 7 App Store ButtonsValue $47
Module 2 - 15 Amazing BadgesValue $67
Module 3 - 12 Banners in Different SizesValue $127
Module 4 - Bullets and Checkmarks in Various StylesValue $47
Module 5 - 20 Professional ButtonsValue $67
Module 6 - 12 CalendersValue $27
Module 7 - CertificatesValue $67
Module 8 - 8 Stylish CouponsValue $67
Module 9 - EcoversValue $497
Module 10 - 8 Feature Listing Boxes with Color VariationsValue $97
Module 11 - 24 Quality Guarantee BadgesValue $67
Module 12 - 11 Eye catching HeadlinesValue $127
Module 13 - Licence Options in 4 color variationsValue $67
Module 14 - MinisitesValue $997
Module 15 - MockupsValue $197
Module 16 - ModuleBoxesValue $67
Module 17 - Navigation_BarsValue $97
Module 18 - NumbersValue $27
Module 19 - Order BoxesValue $97
Module 20 - Photo FramesValue $47
Module 21 - Progress TrackerValue $47
Module 22 - SeparatorValue $97
Module 23 - ShadowsValue $27
Module 24 - ShelvesValue $297
Module 25 - Social ButtonsValue $67
Module 26 - 8 Amazing Facebook CoversValue $297
Module 27 - Social Media IconsValue $27
Module 28 - Squeeze_PagesValue $970
Module 29 - TestimonialsValue $197
Module 30 - Text_StylesValue $97
Module 31 - Video_Player_SkinsValue $97
Total Value - $5,120

And you get the whole lot for just $17, but only for the next few days...

If you have a website (of any kind), or if you plan to have a website in
the near future, I recommend looking at this immediately:

Sorry for the urgency, but this will be pulled down at the end of tomorrow
(De 22nd), and I don’t want you to miss it!

Matt Garrett & Gary Prendergast

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