Subject: Edgerank made easy [auto plugin]


it's common knowledge now that social signals, such as likes, tweets and shares, are essential to get your sites to rank well in the search engines, they've basically overtaken backlinks in importance, in fact google +1's and facebook shares are both now considered more important than backlinks!


Facebook comments and likes come close behind, as well as pins and tweets.

This is now referred to as "edgerank" or social signals and the total influence of these social signals now has a far bigger impact on how well your site ranks in the search engines than your backlinks.

If you want to get visitors to your site without paying for traffic then you need to start using Social Signals to your advantage to build your "Edgerank"!

As you've probably already discovered for yourself, the problem with social media is that there are so many things involved that you need to get right to stay ahead of the game, it quickly becomes a time sucking mine field!

Your choices are: -

A. spend the time trying to get it all done yourself, and lose a lot of hair in the process,

B. spend a small fortune on outsourcing it, along with the headaches that come with that

C. pay a coder another small fortune to create something to do it all for you, if what they deliver even works

or D. use plugins

and then of course with plugins you need to know which ones to use from the thousands available...

Pick the wrong one's and you'll end up with conflicts and constant updates that continually break your site!

That's where the Ulimate Social plugin, all in one solution, comes in to it's own..

You get the very best social media tools, integrated with the latest must have SEO functions, giving you the ultimate hybrid social media marketing & SEO solution available today!

check it out here: -

*Note: the video includes a look inside the plugin and how it works.
Matt Garrett & Gary Prendergast

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