Subject: Easier & Quicker than Photoshop... [+ a tad cheaper]


I know how to use Photoshop, but it still takes me forever to get anything
decent done, so I tend to take the easy route and pay my graphics guy to
get things done for me...

He does save me a lot of time, but he still costs me money, and I know most
people don't have the budget for outsourcing everything.

if that's you, or if you just want something easier to use than Photoshop
(and at a fraction of the cost), then you shuold take a few moments to
check out this demo video:

It's a new WP plugin that makes creating attention grabbing graphics a
piece of cake!

Basically it pulls all the best parts of Photoshop, like animations & after
effects, and makes them real simple to do inside wordpress...

You'll be able to create stunning vector graphics and use hundred's of
Google Fonts to make your blog posts (or sales pages) really stand out and
grab people by the eyeballs!

You can use it for pretty much anything you need on your site, from adverts
and optins boxes, to headlines, testimonials, bullet lists and even those
cool infographics that always get shared and go 'viral' (in a good way)!

It's all drag & drop, so it really is easy to use, as you'll see in the
demo video...

click here to take a look now: ~>

*Note: yup, it's a dimesale, so the quicker you check it out the better!

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

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