Subject: Cash In On The Video Craze Without Ever Creating A Single Video!


Did you grab your discounted copy of the Covert Video Press 2.0 theme yet?

You only have 2 days left to claim your 72% discount.

Click here to secure your discount now: ~>

Online videos are HOT!

We have entered an age where people will soon watch more video online than
they will watch TV.

In fact, last year Youtube beat cable TV for view in the US (that is huge!)

If you are not using videos as part of your marketing and traffic
generation efforts, you are missing out big time and it will only get

The problem of course is that creating videos takes a lot of time, requires
skill and software that can be expensive, and quite frankly can be a pain
in the butt.

And then when you upload your videos to Youtube you are just 1 out of
800,000 videos uploaded that day.

And unless you are very lucky (or good) you will likely never get a lot of
views, let alone make any money from your hard work.

But there is a better way...


With the Covert Video Press 2.0 theme for WordPress, you can run your own
video site (just like Youtube) and it only takes a few minutes to set up.

And perhaps the best part...

You can do this without ever creating a single video yourself!

This is the ultimate shortcut to cashing in on the video trend and it works
like a charm.

Remember that the new Covert Video Press 2.0 theme is available at a
discount right now and it's still dirt cheap.

However the special re-launch discount is only available for 3 days...

When the count down timer on the page hits zero, this deal will be gone

I recommend that you check it out now - it's really good - and you'd want
to get in before the price goes up at the end of Friday...

here's the link again: ~>

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

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Matt Garrett,
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