Subject: Become a top notch blogger... +Instagram Update


I've been blogging for quite a few years, I got in to it because it's the
easiest way of setting up a website that can make you a decent living
online, but what most people won't tell you is it doesn't happen overnight:


One of the guys who's been around as long as I have, but is a much bigger
'name' blogger, he has over 200,000 blog subscribers, is John Chow.

John started at the bottom, with an empty site and no traffic, just like
everyone else, but bow he pulls in around $40,000 every month from his

He knows not just how to set up a popular, succesful blog, but also how to
turn it in to a real online income!

If you want to get a complete blueprint for becoming a SERIOUSLY succesful
blogger you should take a quick look ay John's course, you've not going to
fins anything easiet to use/follow, or as comprehensive...

John shows you exactly what you need to know, step by step, to help you
duplicate his success.

This is realstuff that works, and that anyone can apply.

If you want to learn how to become a top blogger, then you need to learn
from one of the very best, and this is your opportunity...

Check out John's offer here: -

Following all the furore yesterday about Instagrams apparent willingness to
sell your pics, they made a denial, saying that was never their intent.

You can read it on the BBC here: -

Instagram have made a denial, read it here -

please take a few minutes to check out John's blogging stuff as well though! :-)

kind regards,
Matt Garrett & Chris Hitman

'About' Me:

P.S. We're interested in knowing what you think, send us your feedback,
comments and testimonials for BlogDefender & PCDefender...

choose how you want to get in touch: -


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Matt Garrett,
Suite 258
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GL52 2LY

& the best bits:

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