Subject: 99.7% of Websites Are Not Doing This: You Can Be One of the First


Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, heck, even Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter
want it…

But, as of April 22, 2014 only .03% of all websites are giving it to them.

Quicklink: ~>

Its hard to believe considering how powerful this is and how fast you can
increase the rank of your sites because of it. Yet 99.7% of all websites
ARE NOT using this technology to rank their sites better, get more social
shares and traffic, and targeting the traffic they do get to the audience
who wants their content.

You see…each one of the sites I listed here want specifics about your
site, but most of the time they have to figure it out by themselves.

They spider your site with their bots and their computer algorithms read
through your content, they pick the Titles, Descriptions, and Images they
want for your social sharing and Search listings.

You then have to HOPE they get it right or that you optimized your Titles,
Descriptions, and Keywords well enough that they all understand your site
and your content’s focus.

Keywords are great and we do need to optimize for them, but the truth is
all the search engines and social networks don’t care about keywords
anymore. They care about the “GIST”. The context of the questions being

So, if you don’t give them a clear picture about your site…they will
figure it out for you and you might not like the results. In fact, you
might already be ticked off about your current rank, the way your content
is shared, and the pitiful amount of traffic your site is getting.

If you want to get in on the cutting edge of SEO and Social Media
Optimization at the same time and Rank your site above 99.7% of those who
aren’t doing this…

Get in on the Cutting Edge of SEO Here Now: ~>

Don’t wait another minute...

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

P.S. This will only be available for the next 4 Days.

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~# End Of Email #~

Matt Garrett,
Suite 258
20 Winchcombe Street
GL52 2LY

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