What most people do not know is the Universe has already given you what you have asked for; but because it didn’t arrive in the way or “package you expected you don’t accept the gift.
Think about it for a minute.
Think about something you have been asking for that you know is a desire.
What could be in your life right now that is giving you an opportunity to receive what you have been asking for intently?
You may have a day J.O.B (what other people call Journey of the Broke) and would like to be a full time entrepreneur.
You may desire to create passive income and quit your job.
You may be resenting that job and feeling that it is in the away of what you desire most. That is your expectation… what you think the journey to entrepreneurial-ism and financial freedom should look like.
The Laws of the Universe cannot bring you something that you do not already have. So what that means is… if you don’t have a source of income then the universe cannot bring you another or different one.
Are you starting to get it? That J.O.B is a blessing and a magnet for what you desire. It also provides you peace of mind that steady money is coming in.
This J.O.B. allows you to be open to new opportunities that involve some risk knowing that your bills are paid no matter the outcome.
This J.O.B. allows you to step out on faith and build a bridge from where you are to where you desire to be.
The job allows you to learn some new skills and habits while being paid for the training.
I don’t have that as an entrepreneur. I have to pay for my training.
Some time the journey to where we desire to be takes more than one step.
Sometimes you need to build a bridge where a road is not available.
Even when you feel like you have been detoured or denied access to the road you THINK you need to be on you are actually being taken a better way that you never could have expected in a vehicle that fits you better than you could possibly imagine.
Action Step: Write about what is happening right now…the good, the bad and the ugly in your life.
Ask yourself and answer on the piece of paper how this could be leading you to what you desire. Where can you see what you are asking for is already present in your life?
List at least 5 things that you could be grateful for right now.