Hi Friend
On Sunday I made you aware of something going around called B.S what I call BUT Syndrome.
Alot of us have it and it is causing a lot of stress and strife as if we didn't have enough of that this year.
The good news is there is a cure for it and I will share it with you again because it really works
*Imagine your life with out a BUT or BECAUSE * Decide what you want to receive
*Act on at least one step towards it everyday
* Adjust and repeat your steps until you get it
This is what it takes to free yourself from B.S
Here is what happens when you release your BS:
- You see possibilities and ways to get what you want
- Life becomes easier and more magical
- Money, resources and referrals start showing up
- Ways to have what you want right now appear
- Life becomes fun and you freak out a lot less
- And most importantly you begin to ...