Subject: Friend, join us for a Prayer and Praise Night

Dear Friend,

I just got back from an incredible international vacation. I was able to dust off my passport for the first time in what feels like forever. The trip included unforgettable experiences, beautiful site-seeing, delicious food and opportunities to share about Five Talents’ ministry with new friends.

I am so grateful that I was able to share how this ministry has continued to grow. And that’s because of YOU. Your support and prayer, especially over the past year, has been instrumental to the remarkable growth Five Talents has been blessed to experience. New programs started; hundreds of new Savings Groups formed; thousands of lives transformed by hope. We are so thankful. With a spirit of gratitude for God’s provision, we invite you to our virtual Prayer and Praise Night. Please join us for this Zoom event on April 12th at 7:30 PM EST.

We will share program updates and specific prayer requests from our program partners for us to lift up together in community. It’s sure to be an evening of inspiration and encouragement. Sign up to get the Zoom link at We hope you’ll join us.


Dale Stanton-Hoyle