Subject: You're Invited

Dear friend,

I’m feeling grateful and blessed as my wife and I have been able to travel this summer in the United States. As the pandemic has lessened here, and since we are fully vaccinated, we have really enjoyed being out and about again.

Each day, however, I read about how our partners around the world are struggling in areas where they don’t have the same ability to interact and travel. It’s not fair, of course.

Please join all of us at Five Talents in continuing to keep our friends and partners in prayer, as they often have very little access to vaccines.

Please also join us VIRTUALLY on Tuesday, September 14th, 7pm-8:30pm as Five Talents' Everett Post, discusses "Microenterprise Ministry in the Worldwide Anglican Communion". There will also be other informative sessions, the event is free, and you can find the registration instructions on the flyer below. You can also simply register here:


We hope you are able to join us for these vital discussions. You can help us improve the lives of the marginalized around the world.


Dale Stanton-Hoyle


P. S. Thank you, so many of you, who have written me that you are actually reading these Monday Messages. Starting next week, we will be moving from Monday to a Thursday Thought. Keep the comments coming!