Subject: Would you like to hear education is changes women’s lives?

Dear Friend,

I wanted to share with you some key details about how access to education is deeply meaningful to the 80% of Five Talents’ program participants who are women.


In the communities where we work, harmful traditions, extreme poverty, and weak infrastructure usually prevent women in our programs from getting an education, including basic literacy and math skills. This increases their vulnerability in many ways, not least by lowering their earning potential. On average, they bring home only about $2 a day, many of them less. And because many are widows, with that tiny sum, they frequently have to feed 5-7 children.


This has got to change. We’re beyond grateful to have partners like you, who are helping these women and their children gain access to education.


A great example is Therese. She is one of many women who attributes her success to Five Talents' literacy and business training, which are led by local experts who partner with us to bring change to their communities. Like many women, Therese was determined to secure a better future for herself and her family. She started a business selling tomatoes, building up from a daily turnover of just one basket to reach three baskets. Now she is able to pay for more of the essentials her family needs.


Her story is one of many that show how your partnership gives women access to education, despite living in some of the world's most marginalized communities. And the gains don’t stop with the women we educate directly - many times we hear how they rejoice at finally being able to send their children to school. When you empower a woman, you are empowering future generations!

Until next week,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle