Subject: Widow's Mite Revisited (mock up)


Dear Friend,

Two weeks ago, you should have received an email about a remarkable story of a single mom named Gena.  She makes me think of the story of the widow's mite in the Bible.  Jesus talks about seeing a poor widow putting in her two humble coins in the church offering, and he says "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on."

Like Gena's humble offering, it is a wonderful reminder that it is not the amount that God is concerned with but that we give out of a spirit of generosity. If you missed Gena's story, please take some time to read it below. I hope it will be an encouragement to you. I hope that you will also consider a gift to Five Talents; whatever the amount, we could not be more grateful for your support.


Elizabeth Ha

Director of Strategic Partnerships