Subject: What's giving me hope, here in Kenya today

Dear Friend,

I've been so impressed with the creativity of the new Kenyan entrepreneurs I've been meeting this week. They are coming up with all kinds of fresh business ideas I never would’ve thought of.

For example, I met a man today who makes a profit by buying, repairing, and re-selling used shoes. He's also hired another person to run that business while he works a second job!

What's more, these businesses sometimes live on for 10 or 20 years, helping to make these entrepreneurs and their children more independent, and allowing them to access basic needs - food, shelter, school fees, and medical care.

I've seen how the same principle—creatively using the materials at hand—applies to all kinds of folks here in Africa. They are doing an extraordinary job of lifting themselves out of poverty, or, in general, becoming more self-sufficient.

It's not surprising that Five Talents' programs have taken root in Africa and other countries such as Bolivia and Myanmar. As I'm constantly reminded when I travel, we are talking about the most creative, hard-working, and courageous people you can imagine.

It's a source of joy for me every time I see how, with the right support - adult literacy, training and basic business skills - these brilliant minds flourish, micro-enterprises get off the ground, and whole families benefit.

So that's making me smile, here in Kenya today, despite many late-night meetings with our partners. I'm inspired by that, and I'm grateful to you for being part of this huge effort!

With heartfelt gratitude,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle


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