Subject: What you helped accomplish

Dear Friend,

As I enter this new year, I am filled with a deep reservoir of gratitude. Oftentimes, I share inspiring stories of what our Five Talents entrepreneurs must overcome to start their businesses. What does not often get shared are the stories of people that invest in our entrepreneurs to help make this ministry happen…

A single mother of six named Jan sent me a note that she wanted to increase her monthly giving finding herself in a place to finally give back as she has been given; a woman named Melissa, whose husband was recently laid off of his job still went ahead and made a year end donation despite the uncertainty of their current situation; a man named Ray moved by the plight of the South Sudanese made a faith gift followed by the deepening conviction to give two more faith gifts!

The value of the gift is not measured in the amount. Rather, it is the spirit by which it is sacrificially given in faith that God delights in and multiplies in blessing. If you are receiving this email, you have probably given such a gift. And so, I thank YOU for generously giving so that others who are suffering in poverty might flourish. 

Because of you over 6,000 women and men became literate this past year and nearly 30,000 women and men are in a supportive community, saving, learning and investing together.

I look forward with great expectation for all that we will do together in 2024!

Elizabeth Kim Ha

CEO, Five Talents USA

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