Subject: Welcome Phillip Merrick!


Five Talents is pleased to announce Phillip Merrick as the newest member of our Board of Directors!  

Phillip is a technologist, entrepreneur and executive with over three decades of experience in the enterprise software and Internet industries.  Companies he has co-founded and/or run include webMethods, EnterpriseDB, SparkPost and Fugue, all of whom achieved successful exits. At webMethods Phillip helped pioneer web services and web APIs, and under his leadership the company had a highly successful IPO and became the fastest growing US software company. He is currently leading pgEdge, a distributed database startup launched in 2023.

Awards Phillip has received include KPMG Entrepreneur of the Year, Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year, Washington, DC "Titan of Business,” and Maryland “Technology CEO of the Year.” 

Phillip served on the vestry of Holy Trinity Church for nine years, including as chair, and previously served on the Five Talents board in its first decade.  Phillip and his wife Caren live in Alexandria, Virginia and enjoy sailing and traveling with their two adult sons when they can. 

Welcome, Phillip, and thank you for all you do for Five Talents and the entrepreneurs we work with!

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