Subject: Walking Home

“Because now I have my own income, I am respected by my husband and am involved in family decision-making. I also serve as a community leader and a deacon in my church. My life has seen immense improvement; from a poor, despised, and invisible woman, I have become a wealthy, respected public figure. I am no longer overlooked, and my relationship with my husband has evolved from a volatile one into a peaceful and loving partnership.”  

                                                                               - Rebecca, Burundi Program Participant

Dear Friend,

The school year began this past week for my three kids.  My youngest son is walking home without his older sisters for the first time this year. It’s been fun to see his enthusiastic bravado around this newly acquired freedom (I can only wonder what it will be like once he gets his driver’s license).

As a parent, I hope to give my children a growing sense of agency so that they may rise-up to meet life’s challenges and flourish. And yet, I also need to prepare my son to have that agency. We walked the route together many times over. He knows how to read street signs. He knows where to be extra cautious where there are no crossing guards.

Our Five Talents entrepreneurs work hard to become literate and numerate. They learn business skills and how to determine profit and loss margins. They learn the discipline of saving. They have a community of support, accountability, and mentorship. They are prepared to receive their hard-earned business loan.

And as Rebecca had proudly shared, something transformative happens when those most marginalized and powerless are given agency- flourishing way beyond just the improved economics of her life.   

On behalf of Rebecca and all those we serve, thank you for partnering with us.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Elizabeth Kim Ha

CEO, Five Talents USA

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