Subject: The unique approach you're making possible

Dear Friend,

I'm writing today to share the words of Bishop Joseph Aime of Gitega in Burundi. Speaking of Five Talents' long partnership in his diocese, he told our team:

"We want to see people living in extreme poverty rise up to relative poverty as a first step. The approach is unique in its focus on mindset change, so that people no longer have dependency syndrome."

It's important to me to share this kind of confirmation that we're on track. For, while we often say that Five Talents offers a unique model that allows vulnerable people to stand on their own two feet, it's critical to hear that echoed by our partners.

We're determined to support our Savings Group members in learning and succeeding—and in feeling they can rely on their own intelligence and creativity, rather than be dependent. So it's good to hear that Bishop Aime feels we have a unique approach to doing exactly that.

We are so grateful for your partnership! This fall and winter, with your help, Five Talents and our local partners are enabling people to put their families on more solid financial footing, and thereby meet their basic needs for food, medical care, and education.

Thank you!

Until next time,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle


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