Subject: The best gift ever

Dear Friend,

What gave you joy this Christmas? As a mom, it is a delight to watch my children gleefully open their gifts Christmas morning. Now, my kids are old enough that they are able to save their own money to buy and give their own gifts. The excitement and pride they have in giving their hard earned gifts has been even more meaningful to see.

As I think about the many mothers that participate in our Five Talents business training program, I am filled with deep admiration. These are women overcoming incredible odds to learn to read, write, and start a business. Many of them are single moms with large families depending on them for their livelihood. And yet despite overwhelming conditions of extreme poverty, they make everyday difficult choices to help provide for their families. Whether it's going to the chalkboard for the first time or taking out a loan to start a business, all these things take courage.

Photo credit: Fabrice Mbonankira

Will you help empower these courageous mothers, who want more for themselves and their children than a life of poverty? This is the last week to give to Five Talents. Please give a gift today that will transform a life.

It is not too late to give the best gift ever...hope!

With heartfelt gratitude,

Liz K. Ha

Director of Strategic Partnerships