Subject: The Church Cannot Run Away

Dear friend,

Serving those who live in extreme poverty takes a good mix of approaches from different kinds of organizations.

Some groups, for example, are experts at providing relief work when disasters strike and there is an immediate need for food and/or temporary shelter. Other groups provide medical care that saves millions of lives. And groups like Five Talents work through local churches to empower individuals—mostly women—who traditionally have had no way to earn an income or to provide leadership. These women often “have had no voice.” But as these individuals grow stronger, they help build strong communities that are more resilient to all kinds of challenges.

Unfortunately, when a hurricane has passed or when a drought or flood is over, the “eyes of the world” turn to other needs in the news. Also, when a country becomes unstable and may not be safe for workers from around the world to live there temporarily, these workers are often pulled out until things calm down.

At times like these, which we have witnessed in areas we support in recent weeks, Five Talents continues to support the local church leaders who are the true heroes that manage our programs. As one women in a small village said, “the church cannot run away.”

Until next Monday week,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle