Subject: The Abundant Life

Dear friend,

We all have challenges and concerns that are beyond our control, but sometimes it’s good that we are not in control.

Yesterday, one of our staff in Connecticut led part of a great online seminar dealing with how members of the church there have managed to continue to make a difference in international work, despite the challenges of the pandemic. A common theme among the three speakers was that we often don’t get what we want, but sometimes we get what we need (I guess the Rolling Stones understood that many years ago).

Whether it was using our Community Savings Groups to make masks and hand sanitizer, creating new curriculum that could be taught through text messages, or empowering new leaders around the world rather than getting on airplanes ourselves, the speakers all spoke with amazement at how God’s work managed to survive, and even to thrive.

We may want to be in control, but instead, we are blessed with abundant life, great joy, and peace, regardless of life's challenges. If I can just remember that the next time a big challenge comes along and I want to be in control…

Thank you for walking with us and helping us give our wonderful partners worldwide the support they need and deserve.

Until next week,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle