Subject: Surprising What There Is To Be Thankful For

Dear friend,

This week we heard from one of our partners, “Taking Pictures, Changing Lives.” They help us document our programs, and they just hired a new photographer, Fabrice, who lives in Bujumbura, Burundi.

During his first assignment, Fabrice reported, “Recently, I visited the savings and literacy programs in several locations in Burundi. I saw mostly women and, of course, men who, thanks to these programs, have seen their daily lives completely changed.

I have seen couples become more [like companions], more in love, more collaborators. Long-lost self-confidence was regained through learning, as adults, to read and write. I have seen men and women who have become local leaders, entrepreneurs, and traders, thanks to the programs."

How exciting. And what a wonderful, unexpected benefit. These programs are obviously about so much more than money.

During this Thanksgiving week, I am thankful for this news, and I am thankful to all of you who make these benefits possible.

Until later,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle


P.S., I have included an online advent calendar ( for you to use to keep track of the days.  Each calendar day can be accessed only on the actual date so there is no peeking ahead! I hope this gift will be a blessing and encouragement to you each day as we prepare our hearts for the arrival of Christ's birth.