Subject: Reaching the hardest to reach

Dear Friend,

A colleague of mine shared this old African proverb, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” It rings true for Five Talents as we go far afield to minister to the most vulnerable communities in the world, but we can’t do it alone.

To reach remote communities with vital literacy and savings programs and training to start small businesses, Five Talents trainers must travel rough terrain over long distances. Roads are often unpaved and in poor condition, with flooding and extreme weather often making terrain impassable without reliable transport. Additionally, our Five Talents team members are particularly vulnerable when traveling in regions where there is political unrest or tribal conflict. 

Today we are launching our Giving Tuesday campaign, Reaching the Hardest to Reach Places (Giving Tuesday is November 28)! Would you join me in making a gift to Five Talents? Your donation would provide critical funding that would help Five Talents serve those living in the hardest to reach places and defray the cost of safe, reliable transportation. 

Right now, we have a $175,000 matching gift challenge available till Giving Tuesday! A gift of $25,000 could help provide for an SUV! A gift of $500 could help pay for drivers and maintenance; a gift of $50 could help provide for fuel costs which have dramatically increased due to soaring inflation. Whatever the gift amount, your generosity will be used to provide mission critical transport to get us to where we need to go. 

Let’s make this journey together. You can give a gift at this link:

With gratitude,

Elizabeth Kim Ha

CEO, Five Talents USA

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