Subject: Odessa and the mushroom farm

Dear Friend,

Odessa is from western Rwanda. She became the head of her household when her husband was put in prison with a life sentence. Not knowing how to provide for her three children, she lost all hope and started drinking heavily. Her use of alcohol as a crutch eventually became an addiction. She says, “I had nothing; no clothes, no food, the children, nothing. I was so sad, lonely and hopeless.” 

Concerned friends knew of her situation and invited Odessa to join a Five Talents program.  With the support of her group she started to slowly make life changes. Eventually, she became the Savings Group President, and her group decided to start a joint mushroom business. 

Usually when people are renting a home, there is no extra space for agriculture.  However, a group member had an extra room and gave that space for the shared mushroom farm. They took from their savings to buy the seeds and everything needed for the farm and now put profits back into the savings pool to share. Currently they are selling in the local market, but once they are able to get more space and grow the farm, they plan to expand and sell to the hotels along the local lake which will be an even more profitable market.

Odessa shared a reflection from John 3:16 as she opened a recent Savings Group meeting.


“We are joyful.  We all live in the group with joy.  We have love for each other as God has loved us. Let’s keep this word in our hearts.”

Like her Savings Group, thank you for walking alongside Odessa and so many other women and men like her, who are facing incredible circumstances due to poverty. Your support has made all the difference. 


With heartfelt gratitude,

Elizabeth Kim Ha

CEO, Five Talents USA

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