Subject: Moving Past UN Aid

Dear Friend,

“We have to move past being dependent on aid…” 

I was deeply impacted by a recent visit from Bishop Abraham Yel Nhial from the Aweil Diocese of South Sudan in the northwest region bordering Sudan.  Bishop Abraham was one of the legendary Lost Boys of South Sudan covered by CBS 60 Minutes.

Bishop Abraham shared about the influx of refugees fleeing the conflict in Sudan and the sobering challenges to equip his diocese to meet the needs of so many people. He reflected about his personal experience of being a refugee himself, “There is a time for UN aid.  I myself was a recipient of UN aid as a child. But I don’t want my people to always need UN aid. We have to move past being dependent on aid.  This is why the work of Five Talents is so important.”

He shared his excitement in seeing a group of women in his diocese that participate in a Five Talents Savings Group band together to buy land and start a successful farm. Shaking his head, he softly marveled at how these women went from having nothing to being landowners, business women, and now leaders in their community.  While these stories never get old to me, it was particularly meaningful to hear in the context of the heavy circumstances the Sudans are facing right now. 

Perhaps this small band of mighty women is just the hope that is needed at this moment. Please view this brief message of encouragement Bishop Abraham wanted to share with our Five Talents community.


Liz Ha


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