Subject: Monuments: The Importance of Remembrance

Dear Friend,

I moved to the Washington, DC area from Chicago ten years ago. It didn’t take me long to recognize that DC is a city of monuments. There are monuments scattered all throughout the city. Some represent difficult and painful parts of our national heritage; others represent heroic moments that defined the highest aspirations of our country. I loved the discussions I was able to have with my kids around these monuments about past events and historical figures, to more fully appreciate the current liberties we are able to experience.

Israelites would often set up altars of remembrance. These altars were built up as reminders of God’s faithfulness through miraculous crossings over seas; difficult years of wandering a desert; unimaginable victories in battle that defied logic. These altars celebrated God’s faithfulness in the past, but they were also intended to be markers to help the Israelites faithfully navigate their future.   

This is Five Talents’ 25th Anniversary year!  As I reflect upon how far we have journeyed, and all that God has brought us through, I am filled with deep gratitude. You may have heard, this Oct. 11th we are celebrating this special occasion. For those of you that are local to the Washington DC area, I hope that you will join us to make the evening an altar of remembrance. We hope that it will be a time to reflect on the past and look forward to the future with great expectation.  Ticketing available here.


For those of you that are not local, please stay tuned for ways that we will be making the time available to you. To all of you, thank you for helping make 25 years of our work possible. We could not have done it without you.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Elizabeth Kim Ha

CEO, Five Talents USA

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