Subject: Mom Tenets


As a new mom, I’ll never forget when my mother told me, “Liz, you can only be as happy as your saddest child.” Sixteen years and three kids later, I have experienced the truth of this statement at a heart level too many times to even recount.

Whether in Burundi, Myanmar, or Bolivia, our Savings Groups may look different in each cultural context. However, there is a powerful “sameness” to them. No mother wants to see their child suffer from the heavy weight of poverty. The driver to care for those we love and desire a better life for them - this is a universal tenet of every mother’s heart. 


Mothers in our Savings Groups work hard together to save and invest, often having to overcome unfathomable challenges born down upon them. Being able to afford school, a sturdier house, food on the table, medicine in times of illness-- these are all different forms of caring for those you love most in the world.

As a slightly more seasoned mom, I also now believe, there is absolutely no greater joy than seeing your child go from suffering to flourishing.


Thank you for helping mothers around the world develop their agency to build a life filled with possibility for themselves and their children. What a gift!

Wishing you a joy-filled Mother’s Day!


Elizabeth Kim Ha  


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