Subject: May the Joy of Christmas Be Yours. . .

Dear Friend,

Five Talents leaders and partners around the world have a special message to share with you. Watch this short video:

Thank you so much for your partnership this year - which we've needed more than ever before. Thanks to friends like you, savings groups are providing communities with vital social support and a safety net, and Five Talents' network of trainers have been able to deliver key health messages to remote villages and coordinate literacy and business classes. Thousands of families have been able to draw on their savings, access their emergency funds, and take loans to kick-start their businesses.

The resilience, innovation and compassion of our trainers and Savings Groups members across the world constantly inspires us. In 2021, with your help we are determined to reach even more communities around the world to help them rebuild and create a brighter future. Thank you again for walking with Five Talents.

May the joy of Christmas be yours,

Your friends at Five Talents USA