Subject: It's All About Timing

Dear Friend,

I find nothing more difficult than indefinitely waiting for something my heart wants now! To be honest, even in this season of Advent, I sometimes find it hard to believe in God's timing. Yet I am grateful that the Christmas story reminds me that God sends hope at just the right moment.

Earlier this holiday season you should have received a letter from Five Talents describing one of our program participants in South Sudan urgently asking our staff this question-- "Where were you with this information?! Why couldn't you bring this workshop to us earlier?" Right now, there are women, men, and children indefinitely waiting for our programs to become available for them to find a path out of extreme poverty.

Will you help us provide hope to those in great suffering? Five Talents has a $100,000 match challenge and we need your help to meet this financial goal!

You can double the impact you make today with your gift. Please do not wait to bring hope to those who are desperately weary from a life of poverty.

Thank you for partnering with us. You have made all the difference!

Wishing you much joy!

Liz K. Ha

Director of Strategic Partnerships