Subject: Hope and healing

Women in a Savings Group in Rwanda

“Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”  Isaiah 43:19

Dear Friend,

A few months ago, I wrote a message to you on the importance of creating altars of celebration and gratitude. However, it is equally as important to remember and lament those deep sorrows that are embedded in the history of cultures and live on in the lives of its peoples.

This month marks the 30th year since the Rwandan genocide. Rwandan President Paul Kagame reflected, “Our journey has been long and tough. Rwanda was completely humbled by the magnitude of our loss, and the lessons we learned are engraved in blood. But the tremendous progress of our country is plain to see and it is the result of the choice we made together to resurrect our nation.” 

Rwanda is Five Talents’ newest country program where we work with single female headed households to help them build small businesses and lift themselves out of poverty. We are humbled to be part of Rwanda's journey of hope and healing in this small and meaningful way. And we are inspired by the individual stories of women like Agatha who are forging a new path.

I pray that Five Talents would be able to contribute to this season of restoration and flourishing in the communities where we work in Rwanda to behold this new thing that God is doing by forging rivers in the desert.

Thank you for partnering with us in this work and helping forge those rivers together.

With gratitude,

Elizabeth Kim Ha  


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