Subject: Guinness and the Good Samaritan

Dear Friend,

Five Talents was honored Tuesday evening to host an event with renowned author and social critic, Os Guinness, the author of The Magna Carta of Humanity and some 30 books. Guinness addressed what he referred to as “the current civilizational moment,” a time in which much of our world is at a decision point.

Guinness spoke powerfully of how people of faith can respond during this “moment” by caring about those in crisis far removed from our own lives. And I think he surprised us all when he referred to the revolutionary ideas in the Parable of the Good Samaritan when the Samaritan cared for someone very different from himself.

Guinness urged our group of supporters to be passionate about religious freedom and the spirit of giving to people we probably will never see and who are very different from ourselves. He emphasized the faith tradition—and the transformative power—of philanthropy. It certainly made me (and perhaps all of us) really think.

The evening concluded with the story of Matilda, a woman in South Sudan who joined one of Five Talents’ Savings Groups. With her own savings and investment, she was able to sub-contract with one doctor to provide medical care for her community. Thanks to Matilda’s initiative, the practice was able to grow into a full-service clinic serving 8,000 people!

A generous donor has agreed to match gifts up to $30,000 through the end of April, so please consider a donation to support our vital and proven programs that train people like Matilda.

Until next time,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle


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