Subject: God is doing a new thing!

Dear Friend,

Today’s message includes some good news during this Advent season. In the midst of the darkness of this year of pandemic, God is doing a new thing!

Please enjoy this update from our newest program, in the Terekeka region of South Sudan. It's been a long challenging year, but they've managed to:

  • Mobilize 16 communities

  • Sensitize clergy

  • Train new trainers on Literacy, Savings Group formation & management, business skills, and trauma-healing (during lockdown, socially distanced)

  • Identify and train seven Community Facilitators on Literacy, Savings Group formation & management, and business skills

  • Form seven Literacy groups and complete baseline surveys for each group


Some shocking statistics emerged from the baseline survey of participants, showing how tremendous the needs are:

  • Only eight percent of female participants can read in their mother tongue (compared to the national average of 27%)

  • 0% of female or male participants report having an income-generation activity/business
    0% have ever been trained on business skills

  • 0% have a bank account; the nearest bank is 90 miles away in the capital of Juba

  • 5% have a working radio in their homes, indicating a high level of isolation.

The leaders traveled through some rough 'roads' to reach the communities. This certainly indicates that together we are reaching people living in extreme poverty in the Diocese of Terekeka, in communities beyond the end of the road.

Until next Monday morning,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle

Executive Director