Subject: Giving Tuesday is 1 week away!

“I thank God for this group. It is not always that you can feel safe in a place. But in this group we are all equals.”

Dear Friend,

This is how Meredith, a Five Talents program participant, described her Savings Group. She lives in Burundi and like many of the countries where we serve, as a woman, it is unusual to have your own money, to own property, and to have influence in your home much less your community.

Gender inequity is a significant contributor to poverty. In Burundi, 50% of female youth are illterate, and 1 in 4 women are victims of sexual violence. Yet, a recurring theme we hear is that the business training and support they receive in their Savings Groups has empowered them and given them a voice.

Thank you for walking alongside this ministry through prayer and support. Giving Tuesday is just one week away on November 30th. Will you partner with us again to give even more women a voice? Thanks to two generous friends of Five Talents, your gift will be matched up to $100,000 until December 31st! Double your impact and help other women like Meredith find a path out of poverty. You can make all the difference.

Thank you for your support,

Liz K. Ha

Director of Strategic Partnerships

P.S. You don’t have to wait till Tuesday, you can give a hope today at