Subject: From wailing into dancing

You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy…  

Psalm 30:11

Dear Friend,

You may have recently received a letter, highlighting the story of a remarkable woman named Corine. If you missed it, I wanted to share it with you again as it’s worth hearing because you are a part of her story…

No one should ever have to face the decision of choosing between your husband or your children. Corine and her 8 children, one a newborn infant, had to flee their home in Burundi during a time of violent conflict. Sadly, she was forced to leave her husband behind because he was too ill to run. When they returned, she found her house had been burned down with her husband inside it. 

In this tragedy, she was left to raise her young children on her own. Corine was unable to find help in this dire situation because she is from a poor, outcast ethnic group. Everyone was divided then, she recalls. 

But Corine found her way to a Five Talents Literacy Group through her local church. And it became a lifeline for her. 

“I learned to spell my name, and you couldn’t believe my joy at that time. I was able to read and write, and then I was accredited. After accreditation, I joined the Savings Group program, and I was elected to be the president!” 

Five Talents Savings Groups teach the most vulnerable how to save, invest, and start small businesses in a community of support and mentorship. With a loan from her Savings Group, Corine started processing palm oil nuts by hand, and soon made a profit.  As she achieved more and more financial success, she was able to start new and expanded agricultural businesses.    

“I have recently bought a plot of land of $3.5 million BIF ($1,200) to do farming. I also sold 6 goats, and have bought a cow so that I can keep developing my family. The cow has not had calves yet, but it will!” 

Her children have food to eat and are now attending school. From her growing profits, Corine has built a house with modern supplies like bricks and a roof of iron sheets, and metal doors. She also diversified her revenue to build a small store that others rent to do their business (a café and a bakery).  

“Now community members come to borrow money directly from me, but I explain to them about the Literacy and Savings program…I wish this program could spread and meet the most vulnerable communities so that people can see that they can have change in their lives!”   

“During the crisis, I lost my husband, but due to the program, I could raise my children…and now even buy my sons plots of land.”

Friend, because of your generosity, Corine has gone from subsistence living, not knowing how she would survive the days, to buying property for her children and planning a future of hope for her next generation.

Thank you for helping turn Corine’s wailing to dancing! She has overcome crushing circumstances to flourishing beyond what could have ever been anticipated, because of God’s provision through your support.

This December, we ask that you continue to walk with Corine and others like her.  Will you give a gift today that will help women and men waiting to enter our program? It will make all the difference.  


Elizabeth Kim Ha

CEO, Five Talents USA

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