Subject: From Addiction to Flourishing: Carla's Story

For many years, Carla from Bolivia struggled with alcoholism. “I lived on the streets drinking. I had no home. I met my husband on the streets, and we accompanied each other in our addictions.” 

One day, Carla’s husband found out about a Five Talents Savings Group meeting at a local church. He decided to go because he heard that attendees could receive financial support. Gradually, Carla began to notice a positive change in her husband, not because he’d been given a monetary handout, but because at these meetings, he also studied the Bible with the other participants. Eventually, he invited Carla

“I was embarrassed… I was afraid and I entered the [meeting] with shame, and when the teacher began to talk to me, I felt like I was being shaken and I started to cry because I felt that he knew me very well and that he could change my situation… I felt like I was part of a family and increasingly more valuable.”

Carla (left) with Bolivia Co-Director, Sara Mamani

Carla (left) with Bolivia Program Co-Director, Sara Mamani

The couple never missed a meeting. They learned how to start saving money little by little. Using their newfound business skills, they sold anything from chocolates to clothing. Carla learned how to wisely invest profits back into their venture and her husband became a skilled business manager. Now, they make a consistent income selling water and sweets, and they also manage a public bathroom. In addition to overcoming addiction, Carla has also overcome a physical challenge. Born with cerebral palsy, she doesn’t have movement in one of her arms and says walking is difficult. But now, she uses her testimony to encourage others.

“My friends ask me, ‘where do you get so much strength from?’ I have gone through very, very hard times away from the Lord, when I lived in the streets there were many dangers, many times of hunger looking for something to eat, but He kept me alive, and much more now I believe that He keeps me alive for His glory.” 

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