Subject: Do you know how big your impact is?

Dear Friend,

When you think of how your giving helps transform lives, you may think first of the people we've introduced to you by video. People like Sarah and John - hard-working, intelligent, and brave!

Sarah and John are beating enormous odds with your support. But what about the bigger impact of your giving? 

Did you know, for example, that in Burundi, where Sarah and John live, your support has empowered 40,000 people to join Savings Groups? Imagine, if you will, those 40,000 lives transformed by access to literacy, business skills, and basic financial services! And in a sign of how truly effective the Five Talents model is, 80 percent of these groups are now self-managingThis is a benefit to thousands of families.

These hard-working men and women have the courage, ambition, and determination. All they need is your support to bring Five Talents' proven, successful model into their churches and communities! 

Your gift can help so many families find a sustainable path out of poverty. With the pandemic winding down, we have the opportunity to reach many more communities!  

None of this can happen with the giving of generous supporters like you. Will you make a special gift today?

If you give today, your gift will be doubled through our soon-to-end $50,000 matching gift opportunity!

Thank you,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle