Subject: Could You Give us a Push?

Dear Friend,


2020 has been a year of unprecedented volatility and challenge for the world. At Five Talents, we cannot recall a time when the entire organization—our global programs, staff, partners, and participants—have all faced such tremendous challenges and obstacles, all at the same time.

Yet, hope shines brightest in the darkest hours! Because of you, Five Talents continues to minister with those living in extreme poverty. Thank you for bringing hope in a time of great need!

As we seek to empower the world's most fragile communities we recognize that those most in need are often in the hardest-to-reach places. That’s why this holiday season Five Talents is working hard to equip our trainers to serve the most remote villages, across even the roughest terrain.

Whether it’s a bicycle, a cell phone, or a quart of gasoline, help us make sure that our trainers are well equipped with everything they need to love and serve these remote communities. This holiday season will you help bless the efforts of our trainers?  Please join us in making a gift today.

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Thank you so much for your partnership with Five Talents. May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Until next Monday morning,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle

Executive Director