Subject: Corine's story of transformation

Dear Friend,

Have you heard the story of Corine?  Corine is the brave woman who lost her ailing husband and their home due to violent conflict when her house was burned down. She was left to raise her eight children on her own.  She tells her story best in the two-part video above. 

Just like Corine, so many of our entrepreneurs work hard to become literate and numerate. They learn business skills and how to determine profit and loss margins. They learn the discipline of saving. They have a community of support, accountability, and mentorship. They are prepared to receive their hard-earned business loan.

None of this would be possible without you. Their success begins with you as you support our trainers to reach women and men like Corine and provide the mentorship, materials, and transportation to get to some of the most remote communities. There, hope is cultivated and multiplied in so many lives. Thank you for coming alongside those we serve. 

December is a critical month in our annual effort to replenish and grow program funding. The promise of our 2024 effort depends on you and your ongoing partnership. Please consider giving a gift here:

With gratitude,

Elizabeth Kim Ha

CEO, Five Talents USA

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