Subject: Friend, this is how women use the education you help provide!

Dear Friend,

Each day, women in communities where we work suffer trauma that blocks their progress in life. Gender-based violence and early marriage are common. Fortunately, we're equipping these women for a better future - as literate, entrepreneurial leaders in their families and communities, supporting each other in their savings groups. 

I've seen with my own eyes how the education these women receive through Five Talents unlocks their creativity and power to improve their lives. 

One of these women is Leah. She was always taught that boys went to school while girls stayed home to do chores. But when she heard of the Five Talents literacy program, she was determined to go against tradition and learn to read. 

Not only did Leah become literate, she also acquired the skills to launch a business selling cabbages. Her profits helped her feed her family of six and buy a pig that she fattened and sold for further gain. From her success, she was able to send all of her children to school.

Friend, your generosity provides a way for women to not only gain an education, but to also provide an education for their children. Education gives them a voice and the confidence to use it, and even helps reduce harmful practices such as early marriage. In fact, according to the World Bank, "One of the best ways to end child marriage is to keep girls in school."

Because of Five Talents programs, the next generation of women and girls is getting a better start in life. Thank you for being our partner in this important work!

Until next week,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle