Subject: Burundi vehicles for change!


We are excited to share that three vehicles have arrived for our Burundi program! 

You’ve heard us talk about the importance of safe, reliable transportation for our staff visiting Five Talents groups in very rural areas. These vehicles have been long prayed for.  


The vehicles are reaching:

  • Buye Diocese, the largest and oldest Diocese in Burundi, where staff must travel far to reach communities.

  • Buhiga Diocese, which has previously had to hire vehicles to access very rural communities since there is no public transportation option.

  • The leadership team, based in Bujumbura, whose previous car broke down last year.

Claudette and the entire Burundi team are grateful that they now have transportation to reach all of the remote communities. The vehicles’ journey has been a long one, from their purchase in Japan, then travel by ship to Tanzania, and finally overland to Bujumbura in Burundi.

The only trouble now is a severe fuel crisis in Burundi, making gasoline difficult to come by and contributing to high inflation. We invite you to join us in praying and hoping for a resolution to this situation, for the sake of our colleagues and entrepreneurs in Burundi.

Thank you for helping ensure that Five Talents programs have the resources they need. Click below to make a gift today and help Five Talents reach more vulnerable communities with literacy and business skills training.  

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