Subject: Bearing fruit abundantly

Dear Friend,

Five Talents’ newest program, in Rwanda, started in 2022 and has already borne fruit. Some of you may know the country from the film Hotel Rwanda, which depicted the true story of genocide 20 years ago.  It’s hard to believe how much things have changed and there is now stability in the country, allowing for the program of personal transformation that Five Talents helps provide.     

In Rwanda, our program is specifically targeting female-headed households for agricultural activity and better nutrition. By mid-2023, the initial 30 groups graduated to be self-sustaining and there have been myriad positive impacts: School attendance for participants’ children increased, and even exceeded the national average. Women were able to purchase items to improve their homes including mattresses and mobile phones.

Food security impact was substantial. Participants have been able to purchase cultivation tools and livestock and women learned new techniques for planting crops. 97% of women changed the way they grow vegetables, especially the types of crops they grow for a more nutritious diet. 

Independence and a sense of agency over their own lives grew for participants as well, as  women learned key business skills. 53% of women report opening their own bank account. Understanding of family law went from 9% to 83%. Influence in decision making increased from 62% to 76%. 

These life skills will carry into the more promising future that participants create for themselves. This is most heartening to us, and the essence of what Five Talents' mission seeks to do. 

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