Subject: Annual Report

Dear Friend,

I know it’s August now, and it may be hard to believe we have a “new” 2021 annual report, but we are excited to share it with you now.


We waited until we got good reports from our partners. Not easy in areas where many adults still don’t read or write. And very important to be able to responsibly share with you how much your generous gifts have produced tangible, life-changing impacts.


Please look at what we have been able to accomplish together:

  • Almost 1.5 million family members supported since our programs began.

  • Over 95,000 new businesses.

  • Many brave adults who learned how to read and write for the first time.

  • Stronger partnerships. In contrast with solutions designed by well-intentioned organizations that “parachute in,” our training programs are developed in collaboration with local partners, and our relationships often go back for decades.

  • Successes in unstable areas building a “positive peace” - known to many as “shalom” - where every person and community can flourish. In Juba, S. Sudan, 97% of trauma-healing training participants experienced improved relationships.

  • And much more. Please read the following report, and celebrate with us as we walk together.

Until next week,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle