Subject: Anne's Trip to Juba

Dear friend,

I’m excited to share with you about our Program Manager for South Sudan’s visit with our partners last week. With Covid, our Program Team has had limited opportunities to meet with our partners, and we’re delighted that Anne was able to travel from her home in Zimbabwe to Juba, the South Sudanese capital. Anne facilitated refresher training for our partners from Juba, Renk, and Terekeka on Adult Literacy, Savings Groups, and Business Skills. She also attended a celebration for those recently accredited as literate.

You will be especially touched by her meeting with Mary:

“As Mary walked up to receive her certificate, she started to sing a popular local hymn. The words of the song praise ‘the richness of God.’ And when we face worldly troubles and tribulations, we should remember that ‘God is rich.’ By the time Mary got to the front of the room, everyone was on their feet to join in the singing. I was not singing because I was crying! I was just awestruck by the juxtaposition of how the world might view Mary’s circumstances with her own outpouring of joy and gratitude.”

To read more about Anne’s trip and learn more about Mary, please click below:

Until next week,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle